Fitness Vibe Yoga Room

Introduction to Yoga - suitable for all levels

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So how does a 5,000-year-old spiritual practice become today’s hottest mind/body trend?

Yoga’s rejuvenating effects

Perhaps the best way to understand yoga’s popularity is to go right to the people who practice it. If you ask them why the practice, some of the more common replies you might hear are flexibility, increased energy, improved focus, reduction of the symptoms associated with stress and an overall good feeling. The fact is, yoga can have a rejuvenating effect on all systems of the body including the circulatory, glandular system, digestive, nervous, musculoskeletal, reproductive and respiratory systems.

it is considered that there are four components to good physical health: strength, flexibility, balance and aerobic capacity. It is interesting to note that yoga can help you accomplish all these things, and no fancy piece of equipment is needed other than your own body and a yoga mat.

Over the last 100 years, our lives have become very fast paced: cell phones, computers, internet, television. This, along with a strong work ethic, often results in people out of balance – people experiencing a lot of stress. Consequently, there is a strong need to de-stress, to quieten our minds and rejuvenate our bodies. And yoga helps achieve this, helping us return to a state of balance and health.

Yoga brings us into the moment. It is very difficult to practice and be thinking about what happened at work today or the party tomorrow night. Becoming present in itself is a great release from stress. At its best, yoga meets the student where they are, so it is adjusted to the student’s level and capacity. That doesn’t mean it is particularly easy or particularly challenging – it can be either or both on any given day.

The therapeutic benefits of Yoga

Then there is the therapeutic component. Yoga can be used successfully with conditions such as insomnia, back problems, digestion problems, asthma, improving circulation, anxiety and weight loss — just to name a few.

In simple terms, yoga is non-competitive. It is not about winning or losing — you can go at your own pace and can choose your location.

At its simplest level, yoga quietens the mind and opens the body – setting the stage for quality time at a deeper level within oneself. It will take you to a place of peace, a place of balance, a place of health. It is here where the divine within us can be more easily discovered.

Our online sessions provide you with the flexibility to determine the time best time to spend some quality time with you.

No overcrowded rooms, no frustrations caused by complicated gym booking systems, no waiting lists and no expensive gym memberships.

A one to one journey with experienced and highly qualified instructor in the comfort of your own home.

"Finally I can do something I love at a time that suits me — thank you so much!"

- Annie Monks, Fitness Vibe, Yoga Room Fan

Frequently Asked Questions

When does my access to the Yoga Room start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online class - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the Yoga Room?
How does lifetime access sound? After subscribing, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the Yoga Room?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund.
I am new to Yoga, is this suitable for me?
Absolutely! This platform has been specifically designed to accommodate those new to Yoga right the way through to advanced Yoga enthusiasts. Simply choose the classes you feel are best suited to your ability and mood.
I have been doing Yoga for sometime, will these sessions provide me with a challenge?
They most certainly will! This platform has been specifically designed to accommodate those new to Yoga right the way through to advanced Yoga enthusiasts. Simply choose the classes you feel are best suited to your ability and mood.

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